Monday, November 15, 2010

Fax Show Project

When I first walked into the fax show and saw all the different things that had come through the fax It really caught my eye. I kept think how much it's like life, You go through life (going through the fax machine), thinking about life in one sense in your head, but the way it comes out isn't what you expected. Sometimes it's weird, other times your confused and just don't get it, sometimes it's funny, other times it's beautiful, and other times it's sad or makes you angry. You just don't know what you're gonna get. The quote that stuck out is the ride and enjoying the ride of life.

For this assignment I wanted to approach it as life, this big grid of life.. that you go through and you have to just sit back and enjoy it. Take it how it is. And not take it so seriously. Yeah we have our ups and downs and all that but at the end of the day you have to sit back and enjoy what you got, regardless if it's how you wanted it to come out. I did a photo shoot taking pictures of just not thinking of what you have left to do, not caring about whose around you, and just being silly, and just letting the ending results just come out and what ever happens at least you were having fun. I wanted to express the "grid" of life that you are gonna take and its curvy and has its bumps but thats life. You got your dark times, your gray times, and your happy (white and shinning and bright, that stick out) times, thats shown through the different shades. I hope you enjoy.

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