Monday, October 25, 2010


I lust love this image. The use of a drippy medium was a great choice and the little hints of color are outstanding.



This composition interests me because of its original idea. The way the designer took the space he was given to construct this instillation makes it even more successful.

I thought this was a really neat design because you get that it's a clock but it makes you think.
You wouldn't think that all the numbers like up where they should be but it you take a closer look they actually are. I think it's just really cool to look at.
This is a silkscreen by the artist, LeRoy Neiman. I love the colors, I think it shows a great amount of movement throughout the whole piece.

This image is created well through type, design, and the smudged colors that were used. It gives off a freaky feel when I look at it. Good image since Halloween is Sunday. For other images like this go to the site at the bottom of the post.


wall silloutes

Something fun that anyone can enjoy silhouettes of people climbing up a wall. these are things you can buy and just stick on your wall and get a laugh while at your desk. Very creative use of bring graphic design to your own environment by sticking people climbing around everywhere.

street signs

Here's a link that might help with out next project.

Mind Illusions

This mind illusion, I feel is very well designed. No matter where you look, the composition keeps pulling the viewers attention because our mind is visually seeing the other areas moving even though they are stationary on the page. I have always been fascinated with these types of things and believe that they are well designed.

Daniel Dociu

These illustrations I came across by Daniel Dociu are used mostly in computer games, but looking at these illustrations, the details and the symbolism in some of them. The color that is used and contrast that is used. It almost feels so realistic, and In the computer games give a different feel then when you are just looking at the piece as an individual.

The Hub of Time

Guild Wars 2 Iceberg Ship

Valley of the Kings


Graphic Design

I found this one is very unique! Some times I think about too much about the concept and could not make something interesting like this. I do not know what is the idea of this design, but just very catch my eyes. And there is the website have so many Graphic design and there are very unique! let's check it out!