Friday, November 12, 2010

Sandy Beach

The FAX show raises several interesting questions. For me, the first thing that comes to mind when I think about using a FAX machine to transmit art is how much technology has changed the definition of what art is. The FAX machine was the first stepping stone to so many other technological innovations that we now use to create “art”.

The next question that it raises for me is how this FAX machine was also a stepping stone to something else. With so many new, easy ways to copy, transmit or even distort art work we now have to worry about the original artists getting the proper credit they deserve. In this way I feel that the FAX machine, and all that followed it, has both positive and negative pieces that come along with it.

While I was thinking about how I wanted to respond to these questions that the show raised for me, I came across a picture I took over the summer while I was at the beach. Originally, the picture was just of my shadow on the sand. To me it seemed like an analogy to these problems. The shadow, though it is distinguishable as a human being, has no face or true identity. I see this as the art work that is so easily accessible in modern times. It is so simple to copy something and call it your own while the true artist never receives the proper credit for it.

The reason I decided to alter the picture goes back to my original statement about how technology changed the definition of art. Before this technology of fax machines and computers there were such things as photographs. However, there was no way to alter the pictures and create something such as this. I realize that when this is transmitted through the FAX machine it will be altered again. I think this will only add to the picture and make it even more interesting. I also think it will contribute to the point that technology has permanently altered art, just as it will alter this piece I have created.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hey guys, this site is a great project...I'm doing it and a couple of other art students are as's a sketchbook tour, so take a look and maybe you guys and can do it to!

Hey guys check out this surreal image. This guy is opening his chest to a different world. I found this image and other images like it at. Its pretty cool how it has the waterfall making both atmospheres interact with each other.


I am a big fan of wall art, and this piece really caught my attention. It has very strong contrast and the subject matter and grand scale make it very interesting to look at.

The new Call of Duty black ops come out tonight and it's suppose to be a very good showing with all the new graphics maps and upgrades. It also has some 3-d aspects in it as well but i'm not so sure how that works.

Justin M. Maller

I found this artist while looking for web designs.. I like his layout and his work. Very different but Very interesting as well. Here is the link...Enjoy!!!!

In poetry my professor showed us this website that he published a few of his poems on. There was a section that included visual poems. I thought some of the class might be interested in looking into submitting their work in this category!.. check it out :)

The Difference Between Art & Design

While looking at graphics one night, I stumbled across these images which can also be used as wallpapers. I currently have the red one set as my wallpaper. I feel each one of these graphics makes a strong statement.

Sidewalk Artists

I stumbled upon some pictures of these sidewalk art and I was really amazed by them. Some of them look so realistic they make you stop and try to figure out what is going on. I would really like to see some of them in real life someday, I think they are really interesting.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

unique road sign

I found a unique road sign. I like the idea like this, because the image of the car and the people is very simple but it gives me full sense of what this artist talks about. Also I like the position of the people, it seems like the peason just hit by the car.