Monday, November 15, 2010

The fax machine ate my homework

During the process of this assignment I couldn't stop thinking about the 1999 movie, Office Space. Having been stuck in a cubical for two years selling insurance it is a movie that I can relate to. In the movie, one of the main characters was constantly having issues with the office's fax machine. He was continually receiving the message "pc load letter" from the machine. During the climax of that plot line three co-workers bring the fax machine out to an empty field and take out their aggressions with a baseball bat and a series of loafer-laden foot stomps. All of this is done with a 90's gansta' rap song for a soundtrack.
It was with this scene in mind that I came up with my idea. What would my art, and in this case my homework, look like chewed up through a less than user-friendly fax machine? To play on this concept I chose one of the worst designed Chinese restaurant menus I could find and renamed all of the items with a paper-based theme as if the fax machine itself was ordering off the menu. I also placed a spatter effect on the whole page to make it grainy. I played with a gradient to make it appear as if it didn't print out evenly. I made a logo with a fax machine and chopsticks and made my piece's title the restaurant name. I gave the appearance of a torn corner on the bottom right and topped off the page with the phrase "pc load letter" in large letters across the page.

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