Unfortunately I was absent when we were told to do this, so it's a little late...
When I was first given this project I honestly was coming up blank. I didn't know what I wanted to do... I just kept thinking of how bright the newer version is and how over done it is and so loud and way too much is going on on the bored. I didn't like this one bit, so my first thought from the beginning, was bringing it down and bringing it back a little to when it wasn't so bright and loud but still playful enough that the kids were attracted to it and wanted to play with it.
I was having a hard time coming up with character ideas, due to characters not being my forte I really didn't know what I wanted to do. After actually talking to my 8 year old sister and doing some research of course I came up with the idea of bringing back mr. mint, I wanted to change lord licorice to lord sour (making all candy sour tasting). I wanted to have an ice cream man ( like a snowman, but ice cream) I also wanted to keep lolly and princess frostine cause those were characters that have always been consistent... other candies I wanted to bring in was marshmallows, cupcakes, a really big cake, donuts and all other different kinds of treats that kids always love to get.
I changed up the board spots using originally a gumball idea but looked more like the dot candy and that circle, instead of the original square. I then wanted to use different pieces of candy and instead of just making them the same and just different colors I wanted to try to incorporate the different places as my pawn pieces instead of just one item a different color.