I can't say how much or in which ways technology will enable artists in the coming years or the far flung future, however it is obvious with a little research that major changes will be made.
For instance the advent of consumer 3D technology is readily available, for a steep price still, but it will come down in price over the next few years. Holographic hard drives, that is hard drives that store data 3-dimensionally are already here, though they are mostly for government use, research, and other extremely high end users. Quantum computing is here and its coming up fast. This being the point of my article.
We are at the cusp of giant changes in technology, things are about to get much faster and much weirder. This article explains how quantum computers are already here, though they are in their infant state, but explanations are abound about how qubits will be replacing the bits we are all used to understanding. Binary is the generic term for using 0s and 1s, yet quantum computing utilizes 0s, 1s and everything in between or what the scientific community calls "Superpositions". Schroedingers cat is the metaphor used to describe these superpositions of states and its also why quantum computers happen to be so fast, they're able to process multiple tasks at once where old school turing machines are unable to do so. For people who don't understand how computers work, it's going to get much worse. It will be akin to how mechanics feel around cars that don't utilize traditional mechanics.