My Candyland game is going to be Halloween themed. The board will follow the traditional path with an altered color scheme consisting of dark, but vibrant, shades of yellow, teal, purple, orange, magenta and kelly green. They will be on a dark, "almost-but-not-quite-black" grey. My illustrations are going to be friendly and cartoony, without being too heavy or boldly outlined. They are inspired by the work of Alberto Cerriteno, as seen in this piece
My gamepieces are going to be children wearing iconic Halloween costumes: A witch, a ghost, a clown, and acprincess. They will be done in the existing style of the gamepieces, a solid piece of plastic (large enough to not be a choking hazard), but I will be updating the colors to match the scheme I have. On the board, the candy spaces will still be candy, only a bit more "Halloweeny" (like candy corn, gummy worms, fun size candy bars, taffy, lollipops, and possibly caramel apples and pennies, which are clearly not candy but still popular halloween "treats") The accompanying characters will be either adults in goofy monster costumes or actual friendly monsters handing out candy from their homes (I've been wrestling with this idea all week, any feedback would be great. Real monsters or adults in costumes?)
The "villain" in the game is going to be a crotchety old man (who happens to be a retired dentist) that doesn't believe in Halloween and refuses to give you candy. You will waste a turn asking him for some. The goal of the game is to return to your "home" (the final space) and eat all your candy! YUM!